Boxwood Care - Thinning
Boxwood thinning is both an art and a science. Proper thinning techniques increase air and light circulation inside the shrub.

How should I prune my Crepe Myrtles?
Don't fall victim to Crape Murder. Proper pruning is vital to the health and aesthetic value of your tree.

Bee Kind to Pollinators
Unprecedented but not unexpected, we've watched the bee population plummet 87% over the past 20 years, all while wondering what steps c

Rose Pruning - Winter Edition
Hybrid teas, floribundas, grandifloras...pruning roses properly can seem an insurmountable feat. Here's a guide for best practices when

Pruning Liriope - Best Practices
Prune liriope by cutting it back to ground level during winter - well before spring growth occurs. This will ensure leaves are fresh and new

Winter Mulching
Mulching in January? That's right - we recommend it. By laying mulch before harsh winter weather, you are protecting the roots of your